Fully custom trips

Take the stress out of planning creative trips that have something for everyone. From picking a location, finding flights and hotels to creating custom family games or finding the best beach to spend the day, we PlanItForU.

We also know that when on specific diets it can be hard to find the right places to eat or stressful to know what food to pack. Part of our custom package includes menu and food packing lists to accommodate your needs.

Our custom packages start at just $200. Please reach out to us for a quote today.

What is part of a custom plan?

  • Help picking the right location, finding transportation and lodging that fits your style and budget.

  • Find the best activities to engage everyone on your trip

  • Lots of people? No problem. With custom plans we will create options for activities so you can split up the group as needed.

  • Family Reunion? We have special packages just for large multi generational groups.

  • Custom activities: Want to spend a night in with the crew but don’t know what to do? We will create custom activities for you to do anywhere.

  • Swag anyone? Everyone loves swag. We will help brand and make custom swag for your trip. Matching shirts, hats or hoodies is a great way to keep track of everyone.

  • Whatever else you can imagine! That’s what custom means doesn’t it?

